Ongoing Self-Audit for Self-Awareness Practice


Self-Audit for Self-Awareness

This time you are observing yourself with better, more informed understanding of the concept of self-awareness after having completed the previous practices. Use what you have learned in the previous parts of the Self-Awareness course:

  • the definition of self-awareness
  • the results of your personality test
  • your more accurate, specific, and richer vocabulary for describing yourself in terms of personality, character, habits and beliefs
  • the study of your body
  • the study of your mind
  • your discoveries related to your emotional being

Try to be as specific with your language as possible when writing about yourself.

*Remember, the self-study process and these courses are yours to use in your own unique way, at your own pace.

Think of this self-audit as something ongoing over time rather than as one practice to complete right now or today. Be patient and examine yourself a little at a time.

Rome wasn’t built in a day, so approach the construction project that is you as play rather than as work or a chore. And remember, no rush, no competition, no comparison. This is learning in a zone intended for feeling more alive and well.

If you feel overwhelmed trying to learn about who you are, take a break, work on one of the other Self-Study courses and return to this course later, or just take a nap or a walk or whatever your body and mind are needing!

Reflection in Writing

As you watch yourself over the course of time (it’s up to you how many parts of yourself, how long, how often, and how intensively you observe), you might consider answering the following:

What are your habits and tendencies, repeating patterns of behavior? Are they changing or staying the same? Which ones are good for you, life-supporting? Which ones make you feel bad or compromise your wellness?

Name/articulate your desires and interests: what things are you drawn towards? Are they changing or staying the same? Just the process of attempting to name them will be helpful.

Where do you observe specific aspects of your personality in your daily life?

Can you see any aspects of your own personality exhibited in other people?

What makes you think? What engages your attention and interests intellectually?

What are your thoughts about and/or directed toward most often?

What about your strongest and most repeating emotions? What pushes your buttons the most? Which buttons? Think and hypothesize about why. This will really come in handy when you take the Course about Choice!

Describe what it is like to BE in your body, to allow your body to be itself? (as opposed to what it feels like when DOING something).