Opportunity Mindset = Meaning & Wellness

Q. What is Landscapes for Learning? A. It’s a mindset—-an opportunity-focused way of looking at the world of personal experience. You can CHOOSE to see your life any way you decide. Just decide! Q. Why did I name this blog and my independent education website and business, Landscapes for Learning? A. Lots of reasons, butContinueContinue reading “Opportunity Mindset = Meaning & Wellness”

Podcast 015: Future of Education: Learning Beyond Schooling

“I hope to help dismantle traditional schooling and its unhelpful, outdated, damaging values and persuade teachers, school leaders, parents, and students to focus their attention on better, more important ways of learning. My goal is to support ALL parties in this transformation with their humanity and a love for our shared humanity in tact.”  ContinueContinue reading “Podcast 015: Future of Education: Learning Beyond Schooling”

Tools FOR Inner Landscape Learning

I write a lot about how we need to encourage young people to travel the inner landscape FOR learning. Here’s one way (Vipassana/meditation) And another way:    And, of course, my favourite way: 

Podcast Redux with Grace Tempany

Traveling Landscapes for Learning, Inside and Out, with Grace Tempany http://traffic.libsyn.com/landscapesforlearning/Grace2FINALFINAL.mp3 “One is never afraid of the unknown; one is afraid of the known coming to an end.” —-Jiddu Krishnamurti Traveling the landscapes for learning is a challenge for so many of us human beings, but Grace Tempany’s personality, disposition, and training in self-inquiry makesContinueContinue reading “Podcast Redux with Grace Tempany”

Podcast: The Call of the Wild with exotic animal handler, Niki Cesar Tracchia

“All good things are wild & free” -Henry David Thoreau Niki tells her story about traveling across the landscapes of nature– as avid hiker/outdoor enthusiast, wolf-advocate (yes, they need our help!), Bikram yogi, and exotic animal handler. After a not-so-great, though sadly typical, experience with public high “schooling,” Niki blossomed into an avid learner andContinueContinue reading “Podcast: The Call of the Wild with exotic animal handler, Niki Cesar Tracchia”

Meta: Why Learning? Why Landscapes?

Some of the most amazing learning happens beyond academia, and many of the best teachers positively affect lives outside of strictly academic environments. I hope to find  lifelong students and teachers of all sorts, in various domains, to explore the exciting and valuable learning that occurs everywhere and deliver these stories to the world. In this metaContinueContinue reading “Meta: Why Learning? Why Landscapes?”