Antidote to Disconnection

Bikram yoga practice is an antidote to disconnection (and polarity) especially the kind currently pervading within many of us and in modern social life.

Self Study: The Beginning of All Wisdom

“Knowing oneself is the beginning of all wisdom”—Aristotle As knowing thyself is the classic, foundational wisdom to all other kinds of growth, learning, achievement, and success, the Classic Wisdom for the Modern Human Self Study Guide is the platform upon which you can build, adding other advice, self-help programs, formal education, workplace training and moreContinueContinue reading “Self Study: The Beginning of All Wisdom”

An Examined Life

“An unexamined life is not worth living”– Socrates Landscapes for Learning’s Classic Wisdom for the Modern Human Self-Study Guide is designed to inspire and motivate individuals of all ages to live an “examined” life and give people simple, pragmatic tools for everyday use to begin their journey to know themselves better than anyone else ever could.ContinueContinue reading “An Examined Life”

Problems, Purpose, & Shitty First Drafts

“The meaning and design of a problem seem not to lie in its solution, but in our working at it incessantly. This alone preserves us from stultification and petrifaction.” — C.G. Jung Problems define us. Rather than ignoring them, pretending they don’t exist, or that they are someone else’s responsibility to solve, facing problems andContinueContinue reading “Problems, Purpose, & Shitty First Drafts”

Return to Uniqueness

Why can’t we inform people that they can be their truest selves sooner, encourage them to slow down to  practice stillness, to listen to their inner guide, and give them the loving support and tools to do so? That’s a question I ask in my book and am answering with the creation of my coachingContinueContinue reading “Return to Uniqueness”

Don’t Let Anyone Tell You Who to Be or What to Do!

If you don’t take responsibility for designing your own life by figuring out who you really are, then people will forever be telling you what to do and who to be, and you’ll be miserable. I used Dr. Jordan B. Peterson’s Self Authoring Program and the Big 5 Personality Test he recommended a while back,ContinueContinue reading “Don’t Let Anyone Tell You Who to Be or What to Do!”

Podcast: The Value of Silent Meditation with Allen Gaskell

ITunes Podcast: 006: The Value of Silent Meditation with Allen Gaskell “All of humanity’s problems stem from man’s inability to sit quietly in a room alone” — Blaise Pascal One of my goals with the Landscapes for Learning project is to draw more attention to the need for an explicitly taught wisdom curriculum for highContinueContinue reading “Podcast: The Value of Silent Meditation with Allen Gaskell”

The Call to Insecurity

“It turns out that when you stop clinging to the safety and security that you think you have found in a particular lifestyle, other people, your carefully constructed identities, or material things, you find your way home to your truth.” The original title for this piece was “Meta: Choosing or Clinging.” I wrote it moreContinueContinue reading “The Call to Insecurity”

On Being Honest

“The problem with creating the habit of lying, especially to yourself, is that after a while, you lose your bearings— you can’t trust yourself and you suffer even more. Your identity is compromised, making you less likely to be able to connect with yourself– your inner wisdom– or others. We need good, healthy relationships basedContinueContinue reading “On Being Honest”

Plateau or Vista? Storytelling about Limits & Potential

I don’t think I want to just sail along through life—coasting, or maintaining this sort of  unconscious auto-pilot state. I don’t want to stay at this plateau, and maybe you don’t either.

Meta: Why Learning? Why Landscapes?

Some of the most amazing learning happens beyond academia, and many of the best teachers positively affect lives outside of strictly academic environments. I hope to find  lifelong students and teachers of all sorts, in various domains, to explore the exciting and valuable learning that occurs everywhere and deliver these stories to the world. In this metaContinueContinue reading “Meta: Why Learning? Why Landscapes?”

Real Teaching is Risky Business

Recently, I had a minimalist-inspired moment and decided to simplify my life, starting with my living room. I had no problem removing excess decor, but when it came to my beloved bookshelves full of my precious books, I winced. Could I, should I, part with my books? Why had I kept so many all theseContinueContinue reading “Real Teaching is Risky Business”

Post Surgical Post

Post Surgical Post: To suffer or not to suffer; there is no question So, here I am, your Landscapes for Learning hostess with the mostess, recovering from surgery and pondering the meaning of life, or um…rather…philosophizing about suffering…again. (That’s supposed to be a funny reference to my previous post.)  As I sit here coexisting rather unpleasantly with myContinueContinue reading “Post Surgical Post”

Learning to Unlearn

It was in the hot room at a Bikram yoga studio, standing directly under the bright lights, in front of the mirrors, trying to balance, in silence, everyday, for 90 minutes, where I learned the art of unlearning. I learned to let go. A vital aspect of learning is unlearning. Unlearning is intending to letContinueContinue reading “Learning to Unlearn”

A Soul’s Calling.

What does it mean to follow your path, your soul’s calling? I am learning that finding my purpose doesn’t have a whole lot to do with thinking, as if a problem needs solving or something  needs “figuring out.” If anything, my rational mind very often seems to get in the way. (See Julia Cameron’s The Artist’sContinueContinue reading “A Soul’s Calling.”

Changing the Landscape from the Inside Out

Each moment of life is a new moment, and we get to choose how to experience each one. We can label some moments as less useful than others; we can label a moment as boring, good, bad, nothing special, amazing; we can judge it as entirely purposeless or extraordinarily purposeful. The point is, we getContinueContinue reading “Changing the Landscape from the Inside Out”