Yoga is Union

A complete education is about wholeness and wellness. Study yourself and be your own best teacher, to connect with, love, and care for yourself. #doyouryoga

Know Thyself, Part V: Learning

Learning is both the impetus and momentum for following the directions that guide you throughout your entire journey to know yourself. You might think of learning as the map of the landscape of you, while attention, self awareness, challenge and choice are directions to follow on that map. Adopting learning as a lifestyle, as growth-mindset, is integral to the other four directions in the Classic Wisdom for the Modern Human Self-Study Guide because without the attitude of the curious student, the wheel stops moving forward. As you learn, the wheel turns and gains momentum, further inspiring and motivating you to continue moving forward to steadily acquire wisdom and wellness.

Know Thyself, Part IV: Choice

Your Choices Define You. The Classic Wisdom for the Modern Human Self Study Guide will help you learn to manage your attention, become more self-aware, and develop resilience in the face of challenge, so you’ll inevitably make better, more mindful choices from a central locus of control. More self knowledge from self study will helpContinueContinue reading “Know Thyself, Part IV: Choice”

Know Thyself, Part II: Self Awareness

“If you don’t have self-awareness, if you are not able to manage your distressing emotions, if you can’t have empathy and have effective relationships, then no matter how smart you are, you are not going to get very far.” —-Daniel Goleman Self Awareness is Part II of Landscapes for Learning’s Classic Wisdom for the ModernContinueContinue reading “Know Thyself, Part II: Self Awareness”

Know Thyself, Part I: Study Your Attention

Attention “Tell me to what you pay attention and I will tell you who you are.” –Jose Ortega y Gasset  The Classic Wisdom for the Modern Human Self Study Guide is about disconnecting from the competing stimuli in your outer world to reconnect to your inner world. It’s about the fear of missing “in” ratherContinueContinue reading “Know Thyself, Part I: Study Your Attention”

Adventures in Learning Familiar & Foreign

I have heard Joe Rogan interview Jordan Peterson many times, so often that I was reluctant to listen to them talk again.  As I plugged in my headphones and headed out the door on my usual morning walk with my fantastic dog, Finn, I asked myself, what else can I possibly learn from these guys?ContinueContinue reading “Adventures in Learning Familiar & Foreign”

Everybody Wants More Wisdom & Wellness

Classic Wisdom for the Modern Human  Self Study Guide Coming Soon! I believe so strongly that dedicating more time and energy to understanding oneself is the foundation for balance and wellness in this day and age of speed and data overwhelm that I left the security of my career as a high school teacher toContinueContinue reading “Everybody Wants More Wisdom & Wellness”

Self Study: The Beginning of All Wisdom

“Knowing oneself is the beginning of all wisdom”—Aristotle As knowing thyself is the classic, foundational wisdom to all other kinds of growth, learning, achievement, and success, the Classic Wisdom for the Modern Human Self Study Guide is the platform upon which you can build, adding other advice, self-help programs, formal education, workplace training and moreContinueContinue reading “Self Study: The Beginning of All Wisdom”

An Examined Life

“An unexamined life is not worth living”– Socrates Landscapes for Learning’s Classic Wisdom for the Modern Human Self-Study Guide is designed to inspire and motivate individuals of all ages to live an “examined” life and give people simple, pragmatic tools for everyday use to begin their journey to know themselves better than anyone else ever could.ContinueContinue reading “An Examined Life”

“Know Thyself” Sure, but HOW?

“Landscapes for Learning’s Classic Wisdom for the Modern Human Self Study Guide is a set of simple directions, tools, and practices to show you how to live by the classic maxim, “know thyself” for modern teens and adults. It was created for people to actively integrate the process of knowing themselves into their daily lives, andContinueContinue reading ““Know Thyself” Sure, but HOW?”


HOW TO BE A GOOD HUMAN Your MIND is a POWERFUL weapon. LEARN to be a warrior and wield it INTENTIONALLY (MIND-fully).     Excerpted from the brief video clip of Robert Greene (above)… Your attitude colors what you see. A negative attitude keeps you CLOSED and inflexible. Give up your sense of security thatContinueContinue reading “CHOOSE YOUR ATTITUDE”

Know Thyself: Simple, Not Easy

“There are three things extremely hard, Steel, a Diamond, and to know one’s self.” — Benjamin FranklinThe Classic Wisdom for the Modern Human Self-Study Guide itself is simple, but knowing who you are is not easy. The five parts of the Self Study Guide contain simple directions to send you on your way, but youContinueContinue reading “Know Thyself: Simple, Not Easy”

Classic Wisdom for Modern Humans: A WORK IN PROGRESS

The soon-to-be-completed Classic Wisdom for the Modern Human Self Study Guide contains the why and how to “know thyself” for wellness. It is a collection of tools and practices for you to know yourself better so you can express your uniqueness for a lifetime of wellness and wellbeing. The ancient  dictum, “know thyself” from the OracleContinueContinue reading “Classic Wisdom for Modern Humans: A WORK IN PROGRESS”

Problems, Purpose, & Shitty First Drafts

“The meaning and design of a problem seem not to lie in its solution, but in our working at it incessantly. This alone preserves us from stultification and petrifaction.” — C.G. Jung Problems define us. Rather than ignoring them, pretending they don’t exist, or that they are someone else’s responsibility to solve, facing problems andContinueContinue reading “Problems, Purpose, & Shitty First Drafts”

A Life Of Quiet Desperation? Just Say No.

For those of you who just don’t feel as good as you know you could. For those of you who feel like you are spending and awful lot of time and energy maintaining the “story of you” or are busily decorating your comfort zone to make it a perfect “suffering-free safe space” yet still feelContinueContinue reading “A Life Of Quiet Desperation? Just Say No.”

Self-Study for Wisdom & Wellness

The answers aren’t outside ourselves. Travel the inner landscape to find out how the mind works and you’ll find out who you are and who you can be if you control your thoughts. “Build the image in your mind of what you want. Be specific. Write it down. Reject negative thoughts. Think of how youContinueContinue reading “Self-Study for Wisdom & Wellness”

What You Won’t Learn at School

Engage in Self-Study to Prepare to Thrive in the Future “What’s good for everybody is to get to know yourself better because we are now entering the era where we are hackable animals…and there are corporations and governments that are trying to hack you whether you are a student or a billionaire…If you don’t get to knowContinueContinue reading “What You Won’t Learn at School”

Yuval Harari on the Value of Self-Study

“What’s good for everybody is to get to know yourself better because we are now entering the era where we are hackable animals…and there are corporations and governments that are trying to hack you whether you are a student or a billionaire…If you don’t get to know yourself, you become easy prey to all these organizations and governments that are hacking youContinueContinue reading “Yuval Harari on the Value of Self-Study”

Listen to Your Nudges

Listen to your nudges, bitches. They’re never wrong. When you ignore them or you are too afraid to do what they ask, they usually show up as aches and pains in your body, or in your mind, or both. Denial, distraction, and ignorance will make you sick and suffer– maybe not in the short termContinueContinue reading “Listen to Your Nudges”